Which profile in which material?
We adjust to your needs. Our production facilities and raw material availability offer an highest level of flexibility.
Our manufacturing site is located in Garching, Germany. Here we keep our extensive stock of raw material and finished seals available.
Our brochure contains a selection of the most common seal profiles for:
- rod seals
- piston seals
- wipers
- static seals
- rotary / shaft seals
- back rings and guide rings.
In the document you can also find an overview of our sealing materials.
Available for download:
- IST Profilübersicht PDF, deutsch, 2,3 MB
- IST profiles overview PDF, english, 1,6 MB
- IST Aperçu Des Profils PDF, français, 0,8 MB
- IST Profili Descrizione PDF, italiano, 1,6 MB
In our protected customer area you will find details to our profiles as well as our profile data sheets (PDF).
Which sealing material ?
Apart of the overview over the most common materials for us you may log in to our costumer area for accessing our material data sheets. Our costumer service is happy to answer technical questions, e.g. concerning material compatibiliy, design criteria or failure analysis.
Other, additional Products
As part of our customer service we provide complementary products to our standard program such as:
- Gaskets for flanges, cap sealing etc.
- Oil seal in various types and materials, e.g. for open grooves, split solutions.
- Thread sealing tapes
- Bonded seals, milk pipe seals
- Moldable Polymer Gasket (MPG)

MPG – Moldable Polymer Gasket
Personal Advice
Our customer service is happy to support with personal advise, technical information and documentation:
- Tel. +49 (0)89 360 345-0
- Email: info(at)ist-seals.de